Volume 15 – January 2022
Greetings from DISG Secretariat
Dear Readers,
Happy New Year 2022 to all of you. I sincerely hope that this year will be a great one for ASEAN and Japan.
It is our great pleasure to announce that the very first event of the year will be coming shortly, next Monday. It will be our first public forum in collaboration with FPCI in Indonesia, and it is a great honour to have H.E. Hagiuda, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Japan, as our keynote speaker. We believe it must be a valuable opportunity to hear directly from Minister Hagiuda about his new ASEAN-Japan cooperation in the post-COVID 19 era, and look forward to your participation in the forum. Please see more details below.
We are making our DISG activities more substantive and valuable, and look forward to your continuous support this year. Thank you.
Chair of AMEICC DISG Task Force
Executive Director, JETRO Singapore
H.E. Hagiuda, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan participates as keynote speaker in Public Forum: “The Next Chapter of ASEAN and Japan Economic Cooperation in the Post-Pandemic Era”

We are pleased to announce that Minister Hagiuda will take part in the Public Forum: “The Next Chapter of ASEAN and Japan Economic Cooperation in the Post-Pandemic Era,” delivering a keynote speech. The webinar outline is as follows, and we are still open for registration hence please do not miss this opportunity!
[Webinar Outline]
AMEICC Secretariat cooperates to hold a virtual public forum as a part of the Dialogue for Innovative and Sustainable Growth (DISG) between ASEAN and Japan titled "The Next Chapter of ASEAN and Japan Economic Cooperation in the Post-Pandemic Era," in collaboration with Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI); the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA); the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan (METI). The public forum will discuss the next step of ASEAN-Japan economic cooperation.
Webinar detail available here.
[Keynote Speech]
- H.E. Koichi Hagiuda, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan
- Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, Founder and Chairman of FPCI
- M. Arsjad Rasjid P.M.,Chair of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN)
- Prof. Hidetoshi Nishimura, President of ERIA
- Prof. Fukunari Kimura, Chief Economist of ERIA
- Dr. Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director of the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE)
- Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, Founder and Chairman of FPCI
[Date and Time]
January 10th (MON) 2022
Jakarta Time (UTC+7) 14:00 – 15:30
Register here
Brief Summary of the 8th DISG Webinar of the Series:
“Promoting ASEAN-Japan Collaboration for Human Resource Development”

The 8th DISG webinar on the theme of “Promoting ASEAN-Japan Collaboration for Human Resource Development” was held on 22nd December 2021. Following is brief summary of the webinar, and detailed summary will be uploaded in DISG website soon, hence please look forward to it!
1. Keynote speech from ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC)
2. Panel discussion between ASEAN-BAC, Waseda University, Thai-German Institute and METI
- Ms. Yanty Rahman, Chair of ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC)
- Dr. Kojima Fumio, Guest Professor, Waseda University/Technical Expert, DENSO Corporation, Japan
- Mr. Somwang Boonrakcharoen, Senior Advisor, Thai-German Institute (TGI), Thailand
- Ms. Ota Mineko, Director, Technical Cooperation Division, Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, METI, Japan
- Mr. Wada Yuhei, Chief Representative, AMEICC Secretariat/Chief Representative, AOTS Bangkok
[Brief Summary]
(Keynote Speech)
Ms. Yanty Rahman, Chair of ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) stated that the pandemic has given us a call to return to the basic, which to invest in human resources as we are living in a much more digital world where the changing nature of work requires relevant skill sets. The greatest challenge for the region is to maintain its growth momentum while ensuring inclusivity especially, in changing times marked by rapid technological advancement. Thus, it is critical to prepare and nurture our youth as well as workforce through skills development in response to the actual needs of today’s industry.
Then she presented the ASEAN BAC Brunei’s legacy project called “Harnessing Impact with Resilient Employability Digitally (HIRED)” with the urgency to equip ASEAN youths and workforce with the right skill sets preparing for a digitally and future ready nation. The HIRED project is seeking to expand the project across ASEAN and beyond and welcome collaborations across all stakeholders. In this regard, Japan can collaborate on the digital skills training and mentorship programmes through their share of expertise on research and development and technology transfer as Japan is indeed a great role model of their HRD.
(Panel Discussion)
At first, Dr. Kojima Fumio from Waseda University/Denso, Mr. Somwang Boonrakcharoen from Thai-German Institute and Ms. Ota Mineko from METI shared their initiatives and insightful views on the significance of HRD, followed by discussion on three topics below.
The 1st topic was “the Strengths of Japanese HRD”. Ms. Yanty shared Japan’s initiatives in HRD as one of the leading countries in technology to look forward to continuing technology transfer programs with ASEAN and beyond. Dr. Kojima stated that Japan can contribute to ASEAN in harmonizing human efficiency and automation as a driving force to advance the manufacturing system and introduced ‘Lean Automation System Integrators (LASI)’ programme in Thailand as an example. Then Mr. Somwang expressed the awe for Japanese OJT, systematic design, discipline in training, linking knowledge, and also skill and working system like Kaizen. In return, Ms. Ota introduced the technical cooperation and HRD implemented by METI aiming to create a mutually beneficial, and a sustainable win-win relationship where each stakeholder benefits and can grow together.
The 2nd topic was “Utilizing Digital Technologies for HRD”. Mr. Somwang shared increasing demand for training utilizes digital technologies because of Thailand 4.0 policy. In relation with Mr. Somwang, Dr. Kojima introduced ‘Lean IoT Plant management and Execution (LIPE)’ programme which aims to train people to enable using the digital technology such as IoT and AI in manufacturing with reasonable price even for MSMEs. Ms. Ota shared the Japanese government’s current effort on supporting HRD at various stages, aiming at emerging countries to digitalize their supply chains. Ms. Yanty welcomed collaboration, including METI and AOTS especially, on mentorship in areas of utilizing ICT tools through collaborative programs of internship opportunities with local Japan-affiliated companies.
The 3rd topic was “Expand HRD Activities intra/outside ASEAN”. Mr. Somwang introduced the project called ASEAN Smart Monozukuri which expand the HRD programme including LASI and LIPE across ASEAN. In relation with this, Dr. Kojima shared the need to modularize the curriculum such as LASI and LIPE, content and expand it not only to Thailand and ASEAN countries but also to other emerging countries to increase the number of trainees. Ms. Ota then introduced the expansion of the LIPE project for realizing industry 4.0 to Kenya, and the Japanese government efforts to train local trainers who can train human resources in their own countries, hoping to see an increase in the number of training programmes conducted within ASEAN and other regions, with such ASEAN industrial personnel serving as instructors.
Editorial Note