Volume 9 – July 2021
Greetings from DISG Secretariat
Dear Readers,
While the world is gradually recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, my heart hurts for the current severe situation in Southeast Asia that infection control measure continues to be a major issue. However, it is encouraging that the economy is gradually recovering, especially in the export industry. I wish the stronger economic recovery as early as possible.
Here are some notable progress covered in this newsletter.
Following the ASEAN-Japan Business Week in May, “Green recovery” and “Green growth” came into focus in June as well. Special Meeting of ASEAN -Japan Ministers on Energy was held on 21st June, which was an epoch-making opportunity for both parties. Minister Kajiyama declared that Japan would support emerging countries in Asia toward unique and pragmatic energy transitions which realize economic growth and carbon neutrality simultaneously by utilizing all energy sources and technologies, considering the different circumstances of each country. The joint statement confirmed that ASEAN and Japan will work together to actively promote diverse and realistic transitions while involving other relevant players.
On 22nd June, the official launch event of the "Asia CCUS Network" was held. The initiative was advocated by Japan at the East Asia Summit last year. It is an international industry-government-academia platform aiming at knowledge sharing and improvement of the business environment for utilization of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) throughout the Asia region.
There is great progress in efforts to strengthen the supply chain in the region. After the outbreak of Covid-19 last year, Japan has announced a new policy to strengthen the supply chain of important goods together with Southeast Asian countries. On 29th June this year, it was announced that 11 projects were selected in which the Japanese government decided to provide financial support to Japanese companies working on the expansion of production facilities etc.
Please refer to the following pages for further details.
Stay safe and healthy,
Chair of AMEICC DISG Task Force
Executive Director, JETRO Singapore
The Special Meeting of ASEAN Ministers on Energy and Minister of
Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan
On 21st June, the Special Meeting of ASEAN Ministers on Energy and Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan was held online. The meeting was chaired by H.E. Nguyen Hong Dien, Minister of Industry and Trade of Viet Nam, and co-chaired by H.E. Kajiyama Hiroshi, Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Japan. The discussions were held on energy transitions in Asia toward the realization of carbon neutrality and Japan’s support initiative.
Minister Kajiyama emphasized that in order to achieve carbon neutrality throughout the world, including developing countries, it is important to steadily promote energy transitions that utilize a wide range of sources and technologies that reflect the different circumstances of each country, and in particular, to promote decarbonization in Asia, where energy demand is expected to grow.
Minister Kajiyama proposed “Asia Energy Transition Initiative (AETI)” as a comprehensive support measure for energy transitions provided by Japan to support each country in ASEAN based on their unique circumstances. AETI consists of 5 elements; 1)support for formulating energy transition roadmaps, 2)promotion of Asian version Energy Tansition Finance, 3)US$ 10 billion financing support for the projects, 4)support for technology development and deployment, and 5)HRD, knowledge sharing and rule-making on decarbonization technologies. At the meeting, each country welcomed Japan’s initiative including Minister Kajiyama’s proposal and a joint statement “Enhancing Partnership in Realising Energy Transitions in ASEAN” was adopted, also included items of Japan’s proposal.
Besides, Minister Kajiyama said that Japan would hold the “Asia Green Growth Partnership Ministerial Meeting” in October, planning to invite ministers from Asian countries including ASEAN, the U.S., Canada, Australia, Middle Eastern countries and others to the meeting.
Please see here for further details.
Asia CCUS Network

*1 https://www.meti.go.jp/english/press/2021/0622_001.html
*2 https://www.asiaccusnetwork-eria.org/recent-updates/asia-ccus-network-has-launched
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Global CCS Institute, it is emphasized that the importance and the huge potential of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies in ASEAN region on a path to net-zero emissions world.
In this context, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) were holding “The 1st Asia CCUS Network Forum” on 22nd and 23rd June. On 22nd June, Minister Kajiyama announced the launch of the "Asia CCUS Network" as an international industry-academia-government platform aiming at knowledge sharing and improvement of the business environment for utilization of CCUS throughout the Asian region at the opening session of the forum. It was also announced that 13 countries (all ASEAN member states, Australia, the United States of America and Japan) and more than 100 international organizations, companies, financial and research institutions have expressed their intention to participate in its activities. In addition, Minister Kajiyama explained Japan's contribution to the development of CCUS in the Asian region.
In the second-day session on 23rd June, both Japan's CCUS initiatives including the above-mentioned cooperation cases and the future work plan of the Asia CCUS Network will be presented. In addition, participants from government, international organizations, private sector, and financial institutions will discuss how to stimulate investment and financing for CCUS.
Please see here for further details.
Additional 11 projects adopted for “Program for
Strengthening Overseas Supply Chains” supported by METI

On 29th June, it was announced that 11 projects were selected as the fourth batch for the Financial Support Program for Strengthening Overseas Supply Chains. The Financial Support Program, funded by METI Japan and one of the flagship projects among ASEAN-Japan Economic Resilience Action Plan, aims to enhance the viability of industries by strengthening supply chain resilience between ASEAN and Japan.
Please see here for further details.
Editorial Note
We thank everyone for your interest and support. Please look forward to the future webinar series and information dissemination through newsletters and our website, social media, etc.
The next DISG webinar will be held in July. Please look forward to further announcement.
Mr. KOBAYASHI Hirokazu
Chair of AMEICC DISG Task Force
Executive Director, JETRO Singapore