Upcoming Webinar
February 25th 2022
AETI Online Seminar -Business Efforts for Carbon Neutrality-
25th February (FRI) 13:00 – 15:30 (UTC+7)

We, AMEICC Secretariat, cooperates to hold “AETI Online Seminar -Business Efforts for Carbon Neutrality-” on Friday, 25th February 2022, hosted by the Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS). Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan also cooperates to hold it.
Addressing climate change is one of the most critical issues in the world, in light of recent global events such as major natural disasters. In order to realize global carbon neutrality at the earliest possible time, Asian countries need to achieve Green Growth and to accelerate various and pragmatic energy transitions, which reflect the circumstances of each country and utilize all fuels and all technologies.
At the same time, it is necessary to simultaneously achieve both sustainable growth and a transition to a cleaner social system, especially in Asia, where energy demand continues to grow alongside economic growth. Japan will fully support such various and realistic energy transition efforts in Asia through its comprehensive support measure called “Asia Energy Transition Initiative (AETI)”.
As a part of AETI, this seminar will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the concept of realistic energy transitions. Also introduce related technologies, activities and efforts by the Japanese Government, Japanese companies which can be applicable to each Asia country.
Through this seminar, participants will be able to deepen their understanding of the importance of accelerating energy transitions and how it can be achieved considering their own circumstances in each country.
For more details on this online seminar, please see here.
Regarding a relevant discussion in past DISG webinar in August 2021, please see here for a summary and an archived video.
Time | Contents |
13:00-13:10 |
Opening Remarks and Outline of METI Energy Transition Scheme Target |
13:10-14:00 |
Mitsubishi Corporation Roadmap to a Carbon Neutral Society |
14:00-14:10 |
Break Time |
14:10-15:00 |
Road to Carbon Neutral - JERA ZERO CO2 Emissions 2050 |
15:00-15:30 |
Q&A, Discussion |
English and Japanese (simultaneous interpretation available)
Date and Time
25th February (FRI) 2022
Jakarta Time (UTC+7) 13:00 – 15:30
(By 22nd February (TUE) 15:00)