November 12th 2021
Open Webinar: "Prospects for ASEAN-Japan Collaboration in DX for Manufacturing"
12th November (FRI) 8:30 – 10:30 (UTC+7)

We, AMEICC Secretariat, cooperates to hold an open webinar “Prospects for ASEAN-Japan Collaboration in DX for Manufacturing” on Friday, 12th November, 2021 hosted by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan also cooperates to hold it. The objective of this webinar is to discuss the smart manufacturing of Japanese style for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with ASEAN countries.
ASEAN countries have launched policies to respond to the advancement of manufacturing in the digital age, such as "Thailand 4.0" in Thailand, "Making Indonesia 4.0" in Indonesia, and "Industry4WRD" in Malaysia, and expectations are rising for Japanese companies to react and related Japanese service providers to enter the market.
In this webinar, we will invite representatives from the ministries and agencies in charge of advancement of the manufacturing industry in the four ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam) to introduce subsidies and other initiatives for advancement of the manufacturing industry, especially for small and medium-sized companies.
In addition, a panel discussion will be held on the current status and future direction of cooperation in the field of manufacturing industry upgrading by METI and JICA. In contrast to the top-down approach of the Western world, which utilizes advanced information and communication technology, the panel discussion will focus on how to create an inclusive manufacturing industry that will benefit ASEAN countries by leveraging the strengths of Japanese manufacturing, namely, the “highly coordinated architecture”.
This webinar will provide an opportunity to consider what the manufacturing industry should do now and the Japanese government's measures to support the advancement of the manufacturing industry and co-creation with ASEAN countries.
Time | Contents |
8:30-8:45 |
Keynote Speech: "DX in Manufacturing and ASEAN-Japan Cooperation” (tentative)Asia and Oceania Division, Trade Policy Bureau, METI |
8:45-10:25 |
Panel Discussion "Possibility of ASEAN-Japan Collaboration for Smart Manufacturing” ・Presentations (for 10 minutes each) by representatives of governmental organizations related to the advancement of manufacturing industries in the four ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam) ・Prospects for future ASEAN-Japan cooperation in advanced manufacturing (METI) ・JICA's efforts and future possibilities for cooperation, etc. |
10:25-10:30 |
Closing remarks for the webinar JICA Economic Development Department |
English and Japanese (simultaneous interpretation available)
Date and Time
12th November (FRI) 2021
Jakarta Time (UTC+7) 8:30 – 10:30
(By 10th November (WED))