9 June[FRI]

13:00 - 14:30

Finding business opportunity for regional SMEs in ASEAN region


  • The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    Executive Director, General Manager, International Division


  • Asia University
    Professor, Faculty of Urban Innovation

    GOTO Yasuhiro

  • ITO Corporation

    UTSUMI Niroh

  • Shibanuma Soy Sauce International Co.,Ltd.

    SHIBANUMA Hideatsu

  • Sanko Seimitsu Co.,Ltd.

    HAMAMOTO Koichi


In the opening of this session, it was mentioned that enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is crucial for Japan’s revitalization. Promoting the overseas expansion of SMEs was emphasized as a necessity, and various chambers of commerce and relevant organizations will initiate overseas expansion initiatives, including sharing expertise.
In the keynote speech, ASEAN was highlighted as a business opportunity, mentioning the potential for Japan to develop as a high-level component processing supplier and play a significant role in infrastructure construction. It was noted that there is substantial anticipated demand in ASEAN emerging countries, and support for supply chain logistics and tourism-related businesses is expected to increase. However, due to ongoing uncertainties, it was also mentioned that pursuing “nimble management (management without burdens)” while mitigating risks is important.
During the subsequent panel discussion, Shibanuma Soy Sauce International emphasized the importance of adapting to local needs, addressing local regulations, food culture, and market development.
Collaborating with local partners is crucial due to the unique cultures, customs, and regulations in various ASEAN countries, requiring the establishment of a system capable of localizing to the respective regions. I.T.O. stressed the significance of visiting local markets, advancing branding through exhibitions, possessing unique technology, and fostering proactive personnel exchanges. Sanko Seimitsu noted that collaboration and consultation with governmental agencies and local authorities are key points for overseas expansion.