6 June[TUE]

17:00 - 18:30

How Japanese companies can contribute to ASEAN with their "Soft Power"


  • Cabinet Secretariat, Global Business Investment Support Office
    Councilor, Head of GBIS

    OYA Toshio

  • University of Tokyo
    Professor at Faculty of Economics

    SAWADA Yasuyuki

  • Nippon Express Holdings, Inc
    Executive Officer

    OTSUJI Satoshi


    TAKAHASHI Yoshitoku

  • Asian Development Bank Institute
    Deputy Head of Capacity Building and Training (CBT) and Senior CBT Economist

    Pitchaya Sirivunnabood


In this session, the focus was on how Japanese companies leverage their strengths in the software field to maximize their role in business expansion into ASEAN countries. In the ASEAN region, with the increase in the middle-income population, there is a shift from the previous role as the world’s factory to a broader global market. However, at the same time, the widening economic disparity is also a concern. The causes of this economic disparity were identified as disparities in education and skills, disparities in the utilization of digital technology, and disparities in access to information, highlighting the urgent need for appropriate solutions to these issues.
As specific means to address these challenges, it was argued that enhancing talent development, establishing physical infrastructure (such as logistics and online payments), and establishing efficient and fair business rules are necessary to promote inclusive digitalization. While there were concerns about the potential widening of disparities through the adoption of digital technology, the importance of promoting inclusive digitalization through proper organizational support was emphasized. Discussions among the participants covered a wide range of perspectives on specific approaches and strategies for Japanese companies to contribute to the sustainable development of the ASEAN region by leveraging their technological expertise and experience.

  • 17:00 - 18:30
    How Japanese companies can contribute to ASEAN with their "Soft Power"